Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Did You Hear Something?

On my way into work earlier this week I noticed my car was occasionally making a screeching noise. The noise I heard is usually associated with a loose belt. It was raining at the time so I just assumed the moisture was causing the belt to slip a little or that it was something else which wasn't really a cause for concern. Annoyed by the noise, I turned the volume up on my radio and continued on my way.

Now depending on the type of vehicle you have, a loose or broken belt can be a minimal problem or a major one. You could need a $14 belt that even a novice car person can throw on or else it could be a belt deep in the engine compartment that requires some level of engine disassembling to access. All of this is really insignificant if you choose to ignore the problem and do nothing about it.

As I turned the volume of my radio up, I couldn't help but draw a similarity to how we handle sin in our lives. Many times it starts out small. We call it stumbling or back sliding to make ourselves look and feel better, but when it happens, what do we do? We cover it up. We talk it down like it is no big deal. We don't tell anyone about it and if we are lucky, the only people who find out about it are God, satan and ourselves. In most cases we try to make it out as an isolated incident, we cover it up and we ignore it, hoping it goes away.

The problem is, covering it up or ignoring it is exactly what satan wants. What starts as a little problem becomes a big problem. What began as a one time occurrence becomes a minor struggle, then a habit, then a problem and finally it becomes destructive. It has taken our focus off of God and the things He wants to do in us and through us and directs our focus on our problem that now seems too large to overcome. We are left asking ourselves how it got this far.

1 John 1:9 says "If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness." We need to confess, repent and seek strength and wisdom from God so we do not fall into the same strongholds again. God wants to give us victory but in order to do so we have to address our sins and it is better to do this when they start, not when they get out of control.

I encourage you as this week progresses, turn off your "radio" and listen to the noises under your spiritual "hood". Address the issues you are facing as soon as possible. Tell a friend or a fellow brother or sister in Christ about them so they can pray for and encourage you. While it isn't easy, the cost of a spiritual tune-up is far better than the cost of a major repair. Be blessed and have a great week.


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